Defiant Development
From older classics to brand new trail-blazers
Hand Of Fate devs’ new tactics game is XCOM with superheroes
Capes will be flexing its legally distinct muscles with Marvel's Midnight Suns early next year
Hand Of Fate creators Defiant Development shut down, killing their final game
Know when to fold 'em
And homicidal gnomes too
Hand Of Fate 2 shuffles in mod support
Deal me in
Hand of Fate 2's best character becomes semi-playable in free DLC
He's a Dealer, not a fighter
Review: Wot I Think: Hand Of Fate 2
Better in every way except the most important one
Hand of Fate 2 deals delights and disasters in November
The smug git returns
Hand Of Fate 2: Sarky Wizardguy's Revenge
Poke 'is face
Deal Me In: Hand Of Fate 2 Announced
Oh mercy, the Dealer's back!
Classy Cards: Hand Of Fate DLC
Class-based dlc for spiffing card 'em up
Review: Wot I Think: Hand of Fate
"I’m gonna give you what for, Australian Raistlin"
Dungeon Deckbuilder Hand Of Fate Exits Early Access
Now properly released
Top-Decking The Perfect Dungeon: Hand Of Fate
Cards: The Roguening sounded too much like a White Wolf book.
Cards on Kickstarter
We Shoot People: WarCo Interview
Contains Moderate Battle Horror